Welcome to NIB

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Welcome to NIB

The history

In July, 2009 a group of dancers from Bologna and Vicenza started a joint project to estabilish the first R.S.C.D.S. italian branch.
Having obtained all the authorizations from RSCDS Edinburgh headquarter, italian teachers and staff forwarded all required documents, and the creation of the Northern Italy Brach begun. 
In January 2010 the branch has been presented to italian future members.
During her visit in Bologna for the SCD stage (January 30th-31st, 2010) Helen Russell composed a new dance, just to wish good luck to the upcoming branch.
The following year, during the Grand Ball on February 12nd, James Gray and Keith Smith played together live, in a first time ever performance, the music James himself has composed for Helen's greeting dance, "A welcome to Northern Italy".
Starting from February 12nd, 2011, A Welcome to Northern Italy has been chosen as the official dance of the NIB.
NIB members are very grateful to Helen and James for the delightful coreography and music. We're proud to present this dance to everyone that would be pleased to dance it.

Below you can find the choreography, the music and a video showing one complete sequence of the dance.

The choreography

Reel 4x64 in Square Set

1-2 1st and 3rd couple, giving right hands, turn their vis-à-vis half way round and retain hands.
3-4 While 1st and 3rd couples set, 1st and 3rd women turn under own arm by the right.
5-8 The 1st and 3rd women, followed by 3rd and 1st men, dance clockwise round the outside of the set to finish with women in original position but on left of vis-à-vis. The men finish in the opposite position and face clockwise.
9-12 While the 1st and 3rd women, giving right hands, turn once round to finish in original places, 3rd and 1st men dance clockwise round the set to finish in original places.
13-16 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands turn their vis-à-vis once round.
17-32 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 1-16.
33-40 All the women dance right hands across, then, giving left hands to their partners, turn once round, the women finishing in the middle of the set facing their partners
41-42 Giving right hands to partners all turn half way round to finish in promenade hold facing anticlockwise
43-48 All promenade round three places anticlockwise to new positions.
49-56 All the men dance left hands across, then giving right hands to partners, turn once round to finish on the sides of the set.
57-64 Eight hands round and back.
Repeat three more times from new position

Helen Russell, 2010

The music

Performed live in Bologna (2010) by James Gray and Keith Smith (original music)

The Dance

Alternative music performed live in Bologna (2011) by Luke Brady


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