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of “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society – Northern Italy Branch”

Title I – Society

Art.1) Organization type. It is constituted the Society “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society – Northern Italy Branch” (hereinafter called the “Society”), which is democratic and non-profit.

Art.2) Headquarters. The Society has it headquarters in Italy.

Art.3) Association  with The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The Society officially recognize “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society” of Edinburgh, Scotland constitution and purposes.

Art.4) Purposes. Main purpose of the Society shall be to advance the education of the public in the North Italy area and its neighbourhood in traditional Scottish country dancing as recreational and representative aspects, social gathering, art, culture, performance. In furtherance thereof:

a) to preserve and further the practice of traditional Scottish country dancing;

b) to provide, or assist in providing, special education or instruction in the practice of Scottish country dancing;

c) to promote/publish, by all available means, information and music relating to Scottish country dancing, and in particular, to publish or cause to be publisher descriptions of Scottish Country dance with music and diagram in simple form and at moderate price;

d) to collect books, manuscripts, illustrations, and other memorabilia relating to the Scottish country dancing and to the Society;

e) generally to do such other things as are or may be considered by the
Society to further the foregoing objects of “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society” of Edinburgh in the North Italy district area.

Art.5) Governance. The Society shall be governed in accordance with:

a) Italian law;

b) this Constitution;

c) Rules made by the Society Management Board.

Art.6) Structure. The Society shall consist of:

a) the General Meeting;

b) the Management Board;

c) the General Purpose and Finance Committee;

d) the Education and Training  Committee;

e) the Membership Services Committee;

f) the Image and Decorum Committee;

g) the Auditors.

Title II – Membership

Art.7) Ordinary Membership. Membership of the Society shall be open to all person worldwide aged 12 years or over interested in the purposes of the Society. It is expressly ruled out any temporal and operating constraint to the same associative relationship and the rights deriving there from.

a) Membership is upon payment of the appropriate subscription which rates is decided by the General Meeting. The social subscription is only a periodic payment to support the Society, it is not a title deed or a bond, it is never refundable, revaluable or conveyable.

b) Any member of the Society who has attained the age of 18 may take part in any activity relating to the governance of the Society and shall have the power to vote. Any member of the Society who has attained the age of 18 must be a member of  “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society” of Edinburgh.

Art.8) Honorary Membership. Are honorary members of the Society:

a) President;

b) Vice president;

c) Honorary Members; designed by Management Board for particular benevolence towards the Society. Honorary Members don’t have to pay the annual subscription.

Art.9) Subscriptions. To become member is necessary to present the application form to the Management Board who will assess it, to pay the annual fee, and accept the Constitution and Rules of the Society. The holding of a current membership card shall be evidence of membership of the Society. In case of application rejected, written motivation will be sent to the applicant within 30 days from the application subscription.

Art.10) Social Year. The Society’s subscription year shall run from 1st July to 30th June of the next year.

Art.11) Membership title. The membership title is loose in case of death, resignation or non-payment. The resignation of a member must be submitted in writing to the Management Board with the return of membership card and take effect from the record on the register of Members. The exclusions are set by the General Meeting. During this Meeting, to which the member must be called in question, there will be contradictory with the data subject to an examination of objections. The exclusion becomes effective from the record in the register of Members. Failure to pay membership fees within two months after the beginning of the fiscal year results in the automatic disqualification of membership without any formalities.

Art.12) Members rights. The Member status entitles:

a) To be regularly informed on the activities of the Association;

b) to participate in the activities of the Society on the basis of individual capacity, availability and aspirations;

c) to participate in community life, if of age, expressing their vote in all they are entitled, in particular regarding the approval and amendment of the Constitution and the Rules and the appointment of the office bearers of the Association;

d) to enjoy the active and passive voting, if aged 18 years or over.

Art.13) Members duties. Members must observe Constitution, Rules and official deliberations legitimately taken. All controversy between members and the Society, that are directly caused by the activities organized, directed or sponsored by the Society, will be referred to the opinion of a friendly arbitrator composer who will judge fairly and without formality of the procedure, resulting in an informal arbitration. The arbitrator will be chosen by mutual agreement between the contending parties or, failing agreement within 30 days, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the President of the Court of Bologna. To the internal effects, the implementation of the dispositions is arranged by the President.

Title III – Management Structure

Art.14) General Meeting. The General Meeting is the highest deliberative body of the Association and is made up of members in good standing with the membership of the fiscal year in progress. The list of members is kept by the Secretary in a special register and is available at any time. The General Meeting may be ordinary and extraordinary. The General Meeting is convened to approve the annual budget and for the renewal of the office bearers; it is extraordinary when called to amend the Constitution, the resolution of the transfer of registered office or the dissolution of the Association; it is ordinary in all other cases. The Meeting is the sovereign body of the Association, the General Meeting provides to the implementation of decisions taken by it.

Art.15) Meeting presence. Members, in order with the current annual membership, have right to take part in the General Meeting, to vote and to be elected only if aged 18 years or over. A Member can be represented by another Member even if member of Management Board, except during deliver on financial year or Convenors’ responsibility. Each Member shall express only one vote and shall present only one proxy. Ordinary motions must be in the hands of the Management Board at least 30 days prior to the General Meeting, Motions must be subscribed by one-tenth of the Members. Motions will be approved with 50% plus one present votes.

Art.16) Annual General Meeting. The General Meeting is call at least once a year in the Annual General Meeting on Management Board decision:

a) all members shall be given 15 days notice of the Annual General Meeting. Every notice shall contain a statement of the agenda of the Meeting;

b) the Annual General Meeting shall be held within one month after the end of the financial year. The agenda of the Meeting shall contain voting for final balance of just closed year and budget for just started financial year;

c) the agenda of Annual General Meeting shall contain voting for office-bearers if at the end of mandate;

d) the Annual General Meeting is valid on first summoning with 50% plus one of the total numbers of members; on second summoning whatever is the number of present;

e) Members under the age of 18 years may attend and, with the permission of the President, speak at the Annual General Meeting but may not vote.

Art.17) Ordinary General Meeting. The Ordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Management Board, or by the President, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than one-tenth of the Members:

a) all members shall be given 15 days notice of the Ordinary General Meeting. Every notice shall contain a statement of the agenda of the Meeting;

b) the Ordinary General Meeting is valid on first summoning with 50% plus one of the total numbers of members; on second summoning whatever is the number of present;

c) Members under the age of 18 years may attend and, with the permission of the President, speak at the Annual General Meeting but may not vote.

Art.18) Extraordinary General Meeting. The Extraordinary General Meeting is call to deliberate on:

a) alteration to the Constitution (Meeting valid with two-third of the Members, motion pass with a simple majority of all votes);

b) Headquarters relocation (Meeting valid with two-third of the Members, motion pass with a simple majority of all votes);

c) Society’s termination and transfer of all property (Meeting valid with three-quarters of the Members, motion pass if received at least three-quarters of all Members votes).

All members shall be given 15 days notice of the Ordinary General Meeting. Every notice shall contain a statement of the agenda of the Meeting.

Members under the age of 18 years may attend and, with the permission of the President, speak at the Annual General Meeting but may not vote.

Art.19) Office  Bearers. Society’s Office Bearers are:

a) the President;

b) the Vice-President;

c) the Secretary;

d) the Treasurer;

e) Councillors;

f) Auditors.

Art.20) President. The President shall be elected in the General Meeting.

a) The President is in charge for three years, he/she is re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) the President shall represent the Society in front of third party and in arraignment;

c) the President shall preside at Management Board and General Meetings and coordinates the activities of the Association with the criteria of initiative in all matters not exceeding the usual;

d) the President shall implement the resolutions of the Management Board and in urgent cases it assumes the powers, asking for ratification of the same measures taken at the first meeting immediately following;

e) the President shall be aged 18 years or over.

Art.21) Vice-president. The Vice-President shall be elected in the General Meeting.

a) The Vice-President is in charge for three years, he/she is re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) the Vice-President shall substitute the President in Management Boards and General Meetings in case of his/her absence;

c) in case of resignation of the President is in charge to the Vice-President to convene the Management Board within two weeks, for the election of the new President;

d) the Vice-President shall be aged 18 years or over;

Art.22) Secretary. The Secretary shall be elected in the General Meeting.

a) The Secretary is in charge for three years, he/she is re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) it shall be the duty of the Secretary to manage the administrative life of the Society and to conduct the correspondence with “The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society” of Edinburgh;

c) the Secretary shall keep a register of Members of the Society;

d) the Secretary shall write and store minutes of Management Boards and General Meetings;

e) the Secretary shall be aged 18 years or over.

Art.23) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be elected in the General Meeting.

a) The Treasurer is in charge for three years, he/she is re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to manage the economic life of the Society, he/she  write and store accounting;

c) it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to prepare the final balance of the current year and the budget for the next financial year, to be approved in Annual General Meeting;

d) the Treasurer can delegate, all or part of his power only to current Members, to realize Society’s purposes;

e) the Treasurer shall be aged 18 years or over.

Art.24) Councillors. Councillors shall be elected in the General Meeting.

a) Councillors are in charge for three years, they are re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) Councillors shall be aged 18 years or over;

Art.25) Management Board. The Management Board is formed by an odd number of Members, elected in Annual General Meeting, they are in charge for three years. They are: the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and an odd number of Councillors.

a) The Management Board may be called at any time by the President, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than the 40% of its Members, and at least once each year to deliver on the final balance of the current year and the budget for the next financial year and to the annual fees.  Any meeting is valid with the simple majority of the Members present, any motion pass with a simple majority of all votes. The President shall chair in any meeting, or in case of his/her absence, the Vice-President;

b) the Management Board shall have the power to manage ordinary and extraordinary life of the Society, with no limitation. The Management Board produce the Rules asking for the ratification to the General Meeting.

c) the Management Board shall have the duties of set, review and direct the policies and strategic planning of the Society to meet its purposes, through the work of its Committees;

d) the Management Board appoint and dismiss its Committees and their members;

e) the Management Board shall write and store minutes of its meetings;

f) in case of resignation or death of a Member, the Management Board shall appoint a substitute ad interim and ask for his/her ratification to first General Meeting;

g) no reward is attributable to the Management Board members;

f) in case of resignation or death of a Member, the Management Board shall appoint, at the first meeting, the first non-elected in the General Meeting for the renewal of the officers as substitute ad interim and ask for his/her ratification to first General Meeting. The substitute remains in office until the expiry of the entire board. Unable to implement this mode, the Management Board shall hold no replacement until the next meeting which will then elect a replacement for the restoration of the organ to its natural end. If missing the majority of the members, those still in office shall convene the Assembly within five weeks because it provides the election of a new Council;

Art.26) General Purposes and Finance Committee. The General Purposes and Finance Committee is formed by the Management Board that appoint its members that are in charge for three years.

a) The General Purposes and Finance Committee is, at the most, composed of six ordinary Members plus the Treasurer, that works as President of the Committee and report directly to the Management Board;

b) the General Purposes and Finance Committee may be called at any time by the Treasurer, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than two of its Members, and at least once each year. Any meeting is valid with the simple majority of the Committee Members present, any motion pass with a simple majority of all votes;

c) the General Purposes and Finance Committee’s responsibilities shall include matters of general administration and finance, as Society’s money management, investments, purchases, etc;

d) the General Purposes and Finance Committee shall write and store minutes of its meetings;

e) the General Purposes and Finance Committee members shall be aged 18 years or over;

f) no reward is attributable to the General Purposes and Finance Committee members;

g) Sub-committees of the General Purposes and Finance Committee may be formed to pursue specific tasks.

Art.27) Education and Training Committee. The Education and Training Committee is formed by the Management Board that appoint its members that are in charge for three years.

a) The Education and Training Committee is composed of all the Society’s RSCDS Certified Teachers, both working and idle, plus a Management Board member, that works as President of the Committee and report directly to the Management Board;

b) the Education and Training Committee may be called at any time by its President, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than two of its Members, and at least once each year. Any meeting is valid with the simple majority of the Committee Members present, any motion pass with a simple majority of all votes;

c) the Education and Training Committee’s responsibilities shall include matters related to education and training of Society’s Members, as compile dance program for courses, stages, class, balls, as define guidelines for exhibitions, as prepare candidates to RSCDS’ examinations, etc;

d) the Education and Training Committee shall write and store minutes of its meetings;

e) the Education and Training Committee members shall be aged 18 years or over;

f) no reward is attributable to the Education and Training Committee members;

g) Sub-committees of the Education and Training Committee may be formed to pursue specific tasks.

Art.28) Membership Services and Relationship Committee. The Membership Services and Relationship Committee is formed by the Management Board that appoint its members that are in charge for three years.

a) The Membership Services and Relationship Committee is, at the most, composed of six ordinary Members plus the Secretary, that works as President of the Committee and report directly to the Management Board;

b) the Membership Services and Relationship Committee may be called at any time by the Secretary, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than two of its Members, and at least once each year. Any meeting is valid with the simple majority of the Committee Members present, any motion pass with a simple majority of all votes;

c) the Membership Services and Relationship Committee’s responsibilities shall include matters related to services give to Members and to relationship between Members and Management Board;

d) the Membership Services and Relationship Committee shall write and store minutes of its meetings;

e) the Membership Services and Relationship Committee members shall be aged 18 years or over;

f) no reward is attributable to the Membership Services and Relationship Committee members;

g) Sub-committees of the Membership Services and Relationship Committee may be formed to pursue specific tasks.

Art.29) Image and Decorum Committee. The Image and Decorum Committee is formed by the Management Board that appoint its members that are in charge for three years.

a) The Image and Decorum Committee is, at the most, composed of six ordinary Members plus a Management Board member, that works as President of the Committee and report directly to the Management Board;

b) the Image and Decorum Committee may be called at any time by its President, or shall be called on a requisition signed by not less than two of its Members, and at least once each year. Any meeting is valid with the simple majority of the Committee Members present, any motion pass with a simple majority of all votes;

c) the Image and Decorum Committee’s responsibilities shall include matters related to Society’s Image as marketing, publications, performances costumes, etc;

d) the Image and Decorum Committee shall write and store minutes of its meetings;

e) the Image and Decorum Committee members shall be aged 18 years or over;

f) no reward is attributable to the Image and Decorum Committee members;

g) Sub-committees of the Image and Decorum Committee may be formed to pursue specific tasks.

Art.30) Auditors. Auditors Council is formed by an odd number of members, elected in Annual General Meeting.

a) Auditors are in charge for three years, they are re-eligible for unlimited times;

b) Auditors provide to financial control of Society’s activities;

c) in case of resignation or death of a Member, the Management Board shall appoint, at the first meeting, the first non-elected in the General Meeting for the renewal of the officers as substitute ad interim and ask for his/her ratification to first General Meeting. The substitute remains in office until the expiry of the entire board. Unable to implement this mode, the Management Board shall hold no replacement until the next meeting which will then elect a replacement for the restoration of the organ to its natural end;

d) Auditors shall be aged 18 years or over;

e) no reward is attributable to Auditors.

Art.31) Social Books. In addition to the regular maintenance of social books (Book of General Meetings, Book of Management Boards, Commissions Books, the register of the Members of the Society, the Book of Auditors), must be ensured substantial publicity and transparency of documents relating to the activity of' association, with particular reference to the financial statements and annual reports. These social documents, kept at the registered office, must be made ​​available to members for consultation.

Title IV – Finance and social year

Art.32) Economic resources. The Society get its economic resources from:

a) Members’ subscriptions;

b) national, regional, local, or public contributions even if referred to special project as long as in Constitutions range;

c) European Union and other international organism contributions;

d) incomes from performances and services;

e) proceeds from assignation to Members and others, always finalized to Society’s purposes;

f) free contributions from Members and others;

g) incomes from promotions as party and fund-raising;

h) any other incomes consistent with social aims of associations of social promotion.

Art.33) Profits.  It is forbidden, even indirectly or over time, profits and surplus, or funds, reserve or money, both during Society’s life and at its dissolution, except if imposed by the law.

Art.34) Financial year. Financial year close each 31st December. At the end of each financial year the Management Board shall prepare the final balance of the current year and the budget for the next financial year, to be approved in Annual General Meeting. The operating surplus will be entirely set to activities to meet Society’s purposes, but never redistributed between Members.

Title V – Elections

Art.35) Rights. All current Members aged 18 years or over are allowed to vote at the General Meeting.

Art.36) Nominations. All current Members aged 18 years or over are allowed to stand as a candidate for Office-Bearers of the Society.

a) A nomination shall be communicate to the Secretary at least eight weeks before the election day, in written form;

b) to be valid, a nomination shall be subscribed by five Members with the right to vote;

c) the Secretary shall prepare candidates’ list and diffuse towards Members in the month previous to the election day.

Art.37) General disposal. Elections are organized at the highest democracy.

a) the Secretary shall prepare the voting paper;

b) the Management Board organize and manage elections logistics in order to guarantee highest participation and its democracy.

Title VI – Disbandment

Art.38) Society’s disbandment is deliberated by the Extraordinary General Meeting, which appoints one or more adjuster and decide about Society’s property transference to objects  similar to those of Society.

The dissolution of the Association is approved by the Assembly, which will appoint one or more liquidators and decide, after hearing the control body appointed by the Decree of the President of the Council of 26/09/2000 and the DPCM n.329, 21/03/2001, regarding the use of any residual assets of the Association. All remaining goods will be donated to other associations pursuing similar aims or for the purpose of public utility and in any case for purposes of social utility, subject to a different destination imposed by law.

Art.39) Concerning matters not managed in this Constitution, the Society shall be governed in accordance to Italian laws.
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