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Curriculum Samuele

Teacher of the RSCDS-NIB, Samuel Graziani approaches dance as a boy studying with Italian and international teachers.

Grown up in sport's world, during his university time became passionate about ancient dance, to which he devoted himself assiduously practicing nineteenth-century Dance and Scottish Country Dance.

In 2000 he was among the founders of 8cento, a cultural association that deals with promoting nineteenth century and Scottish dance in the province of Bologna. He teaches Scottish Dance and nineteenth-century dance in the association's classes, and dances numerous performances as a soloist and in ensemble choreography.

Since 2001 has expanded his historical dance training, studying Baroque, Renaissance and Scottish dance, with internationally acclaimed teachers as: Bruna Gondoni, Cecilia Gracia Moura, Deda Cristina Colonna, Laura Fusaroli Pedrielli, Paolo Di Segni, Donald Francis, Helen Russell, Patrick Chamoin. Makes performances in Bologna's theaters and at the companies where he is called.

In 2011 he is among founding members of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Northern Italy Branch.

In 2012 he obtained the Teacher Certificate of Scottish Country Dances in St. Andrews, at the RSCDS.

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