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RSCDS-NIB president, Alessia Branchi approaches to dance as a child, attending Collin school of Florence and studying with Italian and Russian teachers of international fame such as Antonietta Daviso, Oleg Sokolov, Irina Gensler, Susan Sentler.
Her classical training allows her to get early closer to character and contemporary dance, and to win several national competitions.
University studies led her to learn more about ancient dance, to which she is passionately dedicated, assiduously practicing Dances of nineteenth-century tradition.
Since 1992 is formed in "Società di Danza", where she graduated as a teacher. Dancer and choreographer, she graduated in 1999 at DAMS Spettacolo of Bologna with a thesis in History of Mime and Dance, in 2000 she obtained the teacher certificate in Scottish Country Dances in Edinburgh, at the RSCDS, with the highest grades.
Since 2000, he became Chairman and Artistic Director of the Società di Danza - Circolo Bolognese, then founding 8cento, a cultural association that deals with spreading of nineteenth-century society dances and Scottish dances in the province of Bologna. She creates important events in the city such as the Gran Ballo dell’Unità d’Italia, which annually presents one hundred dancers in historical costume, with her choreography and special scenarios drawn up for the occasion.
In 2002 she obtained her diploma as Danzaeducatore at Mousikè of Bologna, as she collaborated with them for 10 years as a teacher in the public schools.
Since 2006 she organizes workshops and stages in Bologna with experts in ancient dances, from Renaissance to Romanticism.
In 2008, she is the art director of the Gran Ballo delle Debuttanti at the Circolo Ufficiali of Bologna with twenty-four students of the Academy of Modena and their Debutantes.
In 2011 she is among the founding members of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Northern Italy Branch.
She recently danced in the following works: Atmosfere del Settecento (Villa Malvezzi Campeggi, Bagnarola di Budrio - July 2009), Caterina Sforza Riario (Rocca Sforzesca di Imola - May 2009), Amfiparnaso (Teatro Comunale di Russi - December 2008), Splendori Barocchi (Palazzo dei Diamanti di Ferrara - May 2008).